NUK First Choice Plus Disney Winnie the Pooh Baby Bottle Бебешко шише со силиконска цуцла

Особено мека и циликонска цуцла

Клинички тестиран *: за оптимално комбинирање на дохрана со шише и доење

Подобрен антиколичен воздушен систем

Направено од високо-квалитетен полипропилен матерјал ,  без БПА

Прекрасен мотив на Winnie the Pooh од Disney

300 мл, 6-18 мThe most natural teat for your baby
For many years, NUK First Choice has been the first choice for bottle feeding modelled on breastfeeding. NUK First Choice+ has succeeded in coming even closer to nature – for healthy jaw development and a drinking sensation as if at a mother’s breast.

300 ml, 6-18 mes

467 ден



Животот со бебето е шарен! Во домаќинство со деца, треба да бидете подготвени секој ден да доживеете неочекувани авантури. Па добро е ако можете да останете опуштени и весели во процесот! Вистински модел за вакви ситуации е Winnie the Pooh: тој ја совладува секоја авантура и секогаш останува во добро расположение. Winnie the Pooh и неговите пријатели сега се појавуваат на NUK First Choice + Бебешки шишиња во нови, модерни дизајни.

NUK First Choice е првиот избор за шишиња моделирани за доење. NUK First Choice + успеа да се приближи до природата – за здрав развој на вилицата и чувство за пиење како во градите на мајката.

Специјалната NUK Shape е моделирана на брадавицата на мајката додека дои. Тоа остава за јазикот и вилица на вашето бебе доволно простор за природни движења за време на  цицањето.

  • Particularly soft silicone teat, right for the jaw, age 6-18m, medium hole for formula
  • Clinically tested*: for optimally combining bottle and breastfeeding
  • Helps prevent colic: improved Anti-Colic Air System
  • Made of high-quality polypropylene, holds 300 ml, BPA-free
  • Delightful motif of Disney’s Winnie the Pooh
  • NUK Disney Winnie the Pooh First Choice Plus Bottle, 300 ml, Silicone Teat Right for the Jaw, Age 6-18m, BPA-freeLife with a baby is colourful! In a household with children, you have to be prepared to experience unexpected adventures every day. So it’s good if you can remain relaxed and cheerful in the process! A real role model for such situations is Winnie the Pooh: he masters every adventure and always stays in a good mood. Winnie the Pooh and his friends are now appearing on NUK First Choice+ Baby Bottles in new, modern designs.The most natural teat for your baby
    For many years, NUK First Choice has been the first choice for bottle feeding modelled on breastfeeding. NUK First Choice+ has succeeded in coming even closer to nature – for healthy jaw development and a drinking sensation as if at a mother’s breast.Natural and shaped correctly for the jaw
    The special NUK Shape is modelled on a mother´s nipple as she breastfeeds. It leaves your baby´s tongue and jaw enough room for natural sucking movements.Natürlich und kiefergerechtSoft as a mother’s breast
    With its soft zone, the silicone baglet is an even better fit against the roof of your baby´s mouth – giving a natural feeling while drinking.So weich wie möglich

    Helps prevent colic
    The improved Anti-Colic Air System creates a natural flow so that your baby can drink in a relaxed way without swallowing air.

    Beugt Koliken vor

    Due to its particularly natural shape, the NUK Teat is very well accepted by babies. This means that it is also suited for babies who are both bottle and breastfed.*

    Baby bottle made from light, shatterproof polypropylene
    The extra-wide bottle neck of NUK First Choice Bottles makes them easy to fill and clean. The slightly contoured shape means that the bottle can be gripped securely, while the wide base gives stability.


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