NUK Kiddy Cup with hardspout NUK Чаша

Еластичен синтетички материјал (полипропилен) , без БПА

Пропустливост и лесно функционирање, го прави пиењето едноставно

Екстремно еластичен, лесен и тврд, изработен од полипропилен, има 300 мл

Вклучени се заштитна капа и практичен клипAs soon as children get their first little teeth, they love to use them!

That is why the NUK Kiddy Cup has a spout made of a resilient synthetic material (polypropylene). It can withstand little teeth and is particularly durable. The NUK Kiddy Cup holds 300 ml for really thirsty children, while its contoured shape makes it easy for little hands to grasp and hold.

688 ден



NUK чаша 300 мл, непропустливо , возраст од 12м +, без БПА 

Веднаш штом децата ќе ги добијат своите први мали заби, тие сакаат да ги користат!

Чашата NUK Kiddy има 300 мл за навистина жедни деца, додека неговата контурирана форма им олеснува на рацете да ги фаќаат и држат.

Благодарение на својот транспарентен материјал, родителите секогаш можат да видат колку нивното дете веќе се напило и дали чашата е сè уште полна. Многу е едноставно да се отстрани непропустливиот и лесен функционален отвор одозгора, за лесно и темелно чистење. Со флексибилна врска со врвот, капакот е загарантирано да не се изгуби. Чашата и неговите компоненти се докажани за миење садови.

NUK Kiddy  Чашата – 100% Забава за пиење за деца над 12 месеци .

NUK Kiddy Cup, Resilient Synthetic Spout, 300ml, Leakproof, Age 12m+, BPA-free, 1 piece

As soon as children get their first little teeth, they love to use them! That is why the NUK Kiddy Cup has a spout made of a resilient synthetic material (polypropylene). It can withstand little teeth and is particularly durable. The NUK Kiddy Cup holds 300 ml for really thirsty children, while its contoured shape makes it easy for little hands to grasp and hold. Thanks to its transparent material, parents can always see how much their toddler has already drunk and if the cup is still full enough.

It is very simple to remove the leakproof and easy-functioning vent from the top, for easy and thorough cleaning. With a flexible connection to the top, the cap is guaranteed not to get lost. The cup and its components are dishwasher-proof.

The Kiddy Cup is compatible with all the products in the NUK First Choice range. It is no problem to use it with any of the First Choice drinking lids and so it can “grow” with the abilities of your child.

The NUK Kiddy Cup – 100% drinking fun for children over 12 months.

  • Spout of resilient synthetic material (polypropylene) withstands little teeth, BPA free
  • Leakproof and easy-functioning vent makes drinking simple
  • Extremely resilient, light and hard-wearing, made of polypropylene, holds 300 ml
  • Protective cap and practical clip included
  • Available in different designs

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